But through good and evil i stuck to my books . 不过,好也罢歹也罢,读书我倒是坚持不懈。
That is a character strangely variegated with good and evil . 那是一种善恶奇异地交织着的性格。
The sons of adam must constantly choose between good and evil . 亚当的子孙经常对善恶作出抉择。
Good and evil will always be rewarded , it is only a question of time . 善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。
All the chance of good and evil passed through his brain . 各种各样有利的和不利的可能性都在他的脑中骋驰往来。
Her good and evil seemed to flow rather from impulse than from reflection . 她的善与恶都出于一时的感情冲动,并非处心积虑。
He swept away the virtues and the vices, the established laws of good and evil . 他把美德和恶习,把法律规定的所谓善和恶,统统置之度外。
If the subtle mixture of good and evil suffering, prepared for human truth and purity, there is also prepared for the wrong-doer by the same mingled conditions . 如果说,善与恶的巧妙混合使人类的真实和纯洁受到痛苦,那么同样的混合物也会使得做错了事的人受到痛苦。
The combat between good and evil will continue forever 善与恶的斗争将永远继续下去。
Good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil 善有善报,恶有恶报。